1992 honda accord engine trouble?

Hey recently i just had someone put in a motor on my 1992 Honda accord ex model and its a manual, now the motor he put in the car came off a automatic one he used most of the old parts from the old engine and only put on a few things like distributor, water belt, clutch and pressure plate, thermostat. Now ever since then when i crank the car and put it in gear it makes some weird sound and when i go to shift the gears it sounds like something is thudding underneath the hood of my car but when i gain some speed it goes away any thoughts much would be appreciated thanks!

That doesn't explain much. It could be the motor mount or something wasn't tighten down right. Your best bet is to take it to a good mechanic and see if they can figure it out.

If this was done by a shop, take it back to them and explain your concerns.

I hope he didn't forget the pilot bearing.