How much should it cost to fix a bent hood on my honda accord 1992?

How much should it cost to fix a bent hood on my honda accord 1992?

It's slightly bent, I was thinking about purchasing a replacement from the junkyard putting it on myself.

If there's a kink or crease in it it's doubtful that it can truly be returned to original look. Replacement is probably your best bet.

You'll probably need to replace the hood. You can buy one online for probably like $120 after shipping or you can find one at a scrap yard and it would probably cost somewhere between sixty to a hundred bucks -- maybe even less. Then you can either paint it yourself - I know of a way to do it with spray cans, go YouTube it. Or you can have a body shop paint the hood for porbably one-hundred to two-hundred dollars -- less if you prep it before you drop it off to them. Meaning sand it down spray it with primer, water sand it -- again YouTube. Good luck if you do what I said, it will cost you two-hundred dollars if you go with the cheaper routes, or possibly three-hundred if you go another route.

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