I got ripped off on my used car purchase?

I bought a 1989 Honda accord from my friends uncle. The deal was, I give him $500 then and another $500 in two weeks for a total of $1000 for the car. The owner of the car never told me it was salvage. Also, the carburator needs to be rebuilt. When I got the carburator looked at, the mechanic said that the engine light is disconnected. I don't want the car anymore because of all this plus I doubt it will pass smog now. Since I already gave him $500, I'm willing to buy it for only $700 or $750 at most. What should I do, since he still has the pink slip and I doubt he will want to give my money back or take $700. Should I threaten with small claims court?

Check your local state laws on how long you have to inspect a used car after delivery, more then likely you lost out on a 'as is' sale and the owner can reposes it and keep your $500 down payment if you fail to stick to the written contract final payment date, and he will win in court. Very few states allow for time after down payment with delivery to get a mechanics inspection done and back out of the deal.

It's a 26 year old car I doubt it's worth 200 let alone the 1000 he's asking

Unfortunately, you made an agreement to buy the car for 2 payments of $500 each. Used cars are sold "as is", and it was your responsibility to determine the condition of the vehicle before you bought it. Had you known what you know now you probably wouldn't have bought it, but that's beside the point. If the seller wants to press the matter, you could end up in court.

What did you expect for ONLY $1000?

May I ask what state you live in?

Did you ask if it had a clear/clean title? Did he know that you expected a clean title? Did you tell him that you were buying it to operate on the road and not for parts? Did you notice the bad carburetor and unhooked wires? Did he know that you were planning on registering it in a state that requires a smog test and not in a free state? It sounds like you are trying to rip him off for $250-$300. You made a deal for the vehicle, unless you are a chicken s*() you should uphold your part of the bargain.

Welcome to the real world. Your options are… Give the car back & walk away from your $500.

Or pay him the other $500.

You wouldn't win in court, you'd be throwing your money away.

The time to look into a car is BEFORE you buy it, not after.