Is my car's subwoofer causing my electrical probems?

Is my car's subwoofer causing my electrical probems? - 1

Added (1). I have an 02 honda accord with a fairly recent battery. I bought a little 300-500 watt subwoofer that is powered and installed it myself. Within months, the battery had some serious problems. When turning on my lights, the stereo would turn off. Within the next couple of weeks, the car would completely turn off when i turned on my lights or pressed my breaks. I had the battery replaced and everything was fine. The sub isn't hooked up right now.
What would cause this?

It's not likely the subwoofer is the cause of your problems, but having the brand and model number would need to be known in order to determine what type of stress it's causing for your electrical system.

The heart of the electrical system is the alternator. Not the battery. The battery's primary job is to start the car. Once the engine is running the alternator becomes the source of almost everything that happens in the car electrically including keeping the battery charged.
I would have the alternator tested. About any parts store will do it for no charge.

Alternators don't last forever. They have bearings and fairly delicate electrical components that operate at high speed and high temperature. At 13 yrs old it is probably at the end of its life regardless of the number of electrical accessories that have been added to the car.

The battery and alternator had a good marriage for all these years, but when the powered sub came in the picture, the extra load stressed their relationship. The battery was weak and the alternator started thinking about retirement. With worn brushes and nagging from the battery about the extra 500 watt load, the alternator filed for divorce and wants child support and alimony from the battery. Try counseling at a good mechanic to see if the alternator wants to keep trying, but the battery may need to move on. A new set of brushes in the alternator might revive the marriage, but no promises. Do what's best for the kids.

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