My car won't start sometimes?

I have a 2008 honda accord that has trouble starting sometimes. I had autozone test the battery, alternator, and starter and they all passed the test but I'm almost positive it's the starter. Sometimes it will crank right up (with struggle) and sometimes it won't do anything at when I turn the key and the next time it will start up.

Hmm! Thought of a tuneup?

The next time it 'won't do anything at all' as you put it, correctly locate the starter motor assembly, then give it a few short sharp taps with something heavy like a hammer, or whatever you have lying around that you can get down to it with.

After doing so, immediately attempt to start the engine. If it cranks over and fires, you can strongly suspect the starter motor brushes are worn. And the springs keeping them in proper contact with the commutator are very nearly fully extended, meaning less push. The carbon dust from brush wear also gums up the free movement of the brushes. Rapping on the beast with something vibrates them into proper contact again. And it goes Brrroom!

And for those that hate taking things apart, new starter motor if whacking old one makes it go brrroom. Why do we have to be a disposable society? **** it's depressing…

Hi so given it is now classed as a scrapper by Honda what else is going go wrong next is any ones guess.

Sounds like an ignition switch problem to me.

Like the other guy said, ignition switch, or it could be that little black wire that goes from the battery terminal to the car, sometimes if that has a bad connection it will stop the car from starting, depends on the car.

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