Strange rumbling/vibration when I drive my car over 40 miles an hour. What's wrong with it?

So over the last week whenever I drive my car over 40 miles an hour I hear this sort of rumbling noise and feel a vibration underneath my feet. It seems to be getting worse every day. It almost sounds like a machine gun or something. Any idea what could be wrong with my car?

Added (1). This car is a 97 Honda Accord. Mileage is 109,000. I usually keep up to date with any issues that arise, it's a good car but old and there's always something wrong with it lol. I just got 4 new tires recently I was thinking that the noise came from that, that's when everything pretty much started, it's just gotten worse over the last few weeks. I also need to get my car realigned, could that be the cause?

Yes, any idea what kind of car it is? Most of the people here really appreciate a little help on your end and the year, make, model, mileage will get you a decent answer.

In the unlikely event it was rear wheel drive it could be the driveshaft. It could also be the driveshaft in a front wheeldrive. I think it is possible to achieve a looseness where the shaft can hit the something. It could also be a tire problem or thrown weight.
I think it calls for having the front end inspected along with everything else. Could be loose balljoints, you need to have everything checked. Then the repairs if you make them.

Probably your muffler assembly. It could be banging against your car's body. Have a mechanic check, your symptoms are typical of this issue.

May be a bad front wheel bearing/hub assembly.

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