Buying a CR250 1996 Honda?

So I'm buying a 1996 CR250 2-Stroke Honda from a guy. Its in mint condition. The only thing he says is wrong with it is it needs to have the throttle position jet (rebuild kit) replaced? I don't even know what that is. Apparently its $30 to buy at the Honda shop and $70 for it to be replaced by them. Is it easy for it to be replaced and not a big deal?


Added (1). fmf gnarly pipe -
pro taper bars -
new plastics

Wrong way to be going about this. Take the bike to a mechanic of YOUR choice and let him know what the seller told you, then ask him to check the remainder of the bike.

If the seller says that you don't need to (or even flat-out refuse to let you), you get what you deserve if you buy it anyway.

BTW, for a 20 year old "mint" bike, he should have a boatload of maintenance records. He didn't do maintenance himself, or this jet would already be fixed. Review all of them.

"Throttle position jet" ain't a thing, dude. Thar be an idle jet and a metering jet. So, "in mint condition…" Does that mean even though it doesn't run it comes with a mint cookie? If it ain't running it ain't running, dude. Why ain't he fixed it, since it be so cheap and easy-like to fix?

If its. An easy fix then tell him you'll buy it when he does it.