1999 Honda Civic over heating?

I recently replaced my upper radiator hose since a hole blew in it after I had filled up the radiator with antifreeze. The next day my heater hose tore and started leaking so I then replaced that and drove about a mile until my temp gauge went into the red. The car is fine at idle, only when I drive it does the temp rise but if I blast the heat, the temp stays normal while driving. Car has 167xxx, help would be appreciated.

Sounds mostly like a blocked radiator, so that should be rebuilt or replaced, and because your car has over heated I would also replace your thermostat, because over-heating can damage the wax pellet that opens and closes it, it doesn't require a huge amount of car experience to do these jobs

I'm guessing it could be your thermostat stuck, this may also cause your hoses to blow, sometimes you can tap the thermostat housing and it opens, but you really need a new thermostat. Alternativley if you want to save money yiu can take the thermostat out and run the car with out one, it shouldnt do too much harm and as it is an old car, is it worth spending more money on it?

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