Honda Civic suspension noise?

Hi, brought this car from a garage a month ago. Anyway this noise happens after the car is left idle for a long period

I have taken it back to the garage who looked at it and claim nothing is wrong, recently I sent them this video and they claim it is normal

they claimed they raised the car up on some machine and shook it looking for faults which it has none

but this noise is annoying but they can't do anything and I'm unsure if anyone else can dispute this as the car is under warranty with them

17 second video

Get someone else who knows what he's doing to listen to it. The car, that is, not the video.

Had a Honda Civic which had a "dry mount" thats what the mechanic said and when I looked at the suspension mounts one was rubbing against the mounting and the noise was the rubber against the mounting, I replaced all the rear mounting rubbers and the noise went. Could be the same for you.

Thats why i'm posting the video here hoping someone who listens to it might know more about it