How much can I get for a serious accident on the highway?

Me, my boyfriend, and my two kids (7 and 5 month old) were involved in a serious collision on the highway. A big HINO truck rear ended the car behind me and then my car that I was driving. The entire trunk of my Honda Civic is gone. My 5 month old has some hearing loss in her right ear. My daughter suffued a concussion and some damage to her teeth. Also, she has been acting a bit strange lately, hopefully there's no brain injury but that's something that we will investigate. My boyfriend has a pinched nerve in his back and is no longer able to work ( who knows for how long). I had to drop my courses at university due to a back sprain I can't finish the rest of the summer term. How much do you think we can get for all this? I mean no amount of money will bring back all of my baby's hearing or change the fact that my 7 year old had a concussion. We live in Canada the laws are different here.

How could anyone here possibly even begin to answer this?

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