How much Insurance do I have to pay for a Car?

Okay so I'm 19 & I'm almost turning 20
( December 7th ). I'm planning on buying a car, it's a Used 1995 Honda Civic. I want to know how much do I have to pay for insurance. I'm guessing I'd have to be paying monthly, but it would really help if someone knew how much exactly or at least an estimation of how much I would be paying.

Without knowing where you live, at least ti the city and country, what the status of your license is, if you have been involved in any prior car insurance claims, the specific model and mileage of the car, and so on, it's literally impossible to say.

Call several insurance companies.


"but it would really help if someone knew how much exactly or at least an estimation of how much I would be paying"

An insurance site would tell you exactly what you were going to pay, that is what they do. Get yourself some quotes.

Call geico or go online.

Make sure you get liability only. Depends on your driving record and demographics. I would guess $50 per month.

Call an agent or go on esurance or Geico.