I just got a 2004 honda civic and it has 235,000 miles on it i was wondering if it is worth it to modify it?

I just got a 2004 honda civic and it has 235,000 miles on it i was wondering if it is worth it to modify it?

Added (1). i was wondering if it is worth it to modify my honda civic because i'm afraid that after i had put a lot of money on it, it gets ****** up or something because of the millage it has. I want to put rims on it, lower it and sound system.

You will/can spend a lot of money to modify any car. When you sell the car you never get that money back, so depending how much you spend on modifying can cost you a lot. The only person who can really answer this question is you. How much are you willing to spend and how much money are you willing to lose.

Sadly, It would be foolish to put much money in to a car with such high mileage. I'm a Honda fan so don't get me wrong, but you probably will not get much more life out of your car before you will need to spent money on just keeping the car running.

ALSO lets say your car is "blue book" value $1,500 then you spend $2,500 so you have a nice $4,000 Civic your proud of but then someone smashes in to your awesome Civic then the insurance company gives you a check for $1,500 as they tow away your once nice $4,000 Honda.

You'll be fine with those mods. Just remember the old saying, "maintenance before mods."
Check your axels and shocks before lowering.
At that mileage engine modifications are not advised without a full rebuild or swap.