While I'm driving around 50KM/H or 31MP/H my child switch my gear from D to P?

What will happen to my car? Just tried happen once, will it cause serious effect?

I'm driving Honda Civic 2010 model.

Added (1). Correction**

What will happen to my car? It just happened once, will it cause serious effect?

I'm driving Honda Civic 2010 model.

There's a lock that prevents you from putting it in park of your not either stopped or moving very slowly.

Probably serious damage to your transmission. Once I was driving on a highway and my friends purse knocked the shifter into neutral and the car kept rolling but revved and wouldn't go faster. I thought it was breaking down but I was able to put it back into drive no problems. Another time I put it in park while the car was still moving and the whole car rocked it did not feel good.

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