Trying to program the accord key to fit my car?

USARemote 4 Button Replacement Key and Remote Control Combo for Honda Vehicles 0UCG8D-380H-A

Your ACCORD remote key (0UCG8D-380H-A) must be cut and programmed so the key fob will work for your vehicle. Cutting and programming can be performed at an automotive locksmith, repair shop or your local dealership.

There are no onboard programming instructions available for newer Accord key fobs. Only a professional with special tools to perform a laser cut and a scanner capable to program the new keys to make it work for your vehicle.

Another thing is all key fobs has to be programmed at the same time. You have not specified the year of the Accord but some model you'll have to buy new set of chips (3 or 4 chips) if you want to add keys to the set of more than 2.

Anyway, it is out of your hands. Do not waste your time. Call for a locksmith and discuss the situation with him.