Best Beginner Bike Honda CBR vs Rebel?

I'm having a bit of troubling choosing a starter bike.
I'm looking for something to ease me into riding, and it's come down to the CBR and the Rebel (although I'm not entirely opposed to Shadows either). Pros and Cons of both?

I'm 5'3 and 110 lb so I'm not looking for anything super big (height/weight)

What would you recommend? Any female riders who have tried either of these bikes? What do you think.

Any and all advice for a first time rider is appreciated. I'm taking a basic rider course but would still love all feedback.

Whichever you pick is a learner bike so it's a lot likebuying your first pair of jeans, one size and style doesn't fit all and you need to figure out what feels good for you.
Go sit-on/ride as many bikes as you dare, both or all three that you have chosen should give you a hint at what you like 'feel-wise', it's an uncomfortable situation not knowing what to pick so hang in there, just relax and go with the best feel.

My opinion. Just look at used ones, and keep looking until you find something that is in great shape at a decent price. All bikes will have their pluses and minuses.once youve ridden for a good while you will come to your own conclusion of which bike to settle with, but i never did haha. I need about 4 to keep me happy.

The Rebel is a 250 cc cruiser but the Honda CBR name is used on many sport bikes of various displacements. I'll assume you're specifically referring to CBR 250 as well.

Either machine is a good first choice for a newbie rider. I suggest that you try to sit on both bikes and see how the feel relative to your physique. You want to be comfortable and be able to place both your feet flat on the ground while sitting on the bike. You will be able to do that on the Rebel ( it's quite low ) but the CBR is taller from what I recall so that may be an issue for you. The rest of the bike's ergonomics should be within easy reach and effortless to operate as well.

But assuming they both fit, it really comes down to personal preference. Do you prefer sport bikes or cruiser bike styling?

Get the Ninja 300

It really depends on your style. They're both starter bikes but the Rebel is a cruiser and the CBR is a sportbike. I'd say they're both good. Imo, sport is the way to go if you ever want to drag a knee and have something fast. I like cruisers too but they're way different and are what I'll always take for a roadtrip that's longer than a weekend.