Do I need a new battery for my motorcycle?

I ride a 2012 Honda CBR250 and I just bought it 3 months ago. Although I ride it 3 times a week the battery ended up dying on me. I recently got a jump and it starts up fine now. Do I still need to take it to a motorcycle shop and buy a new battery?

It's called a load test. If you are worried pull out the battery and have it load tested at an auto parts store, repair shop, BatteriesPlus, etc. You really need a mc battery charger, like a BatteryTender or one of the new whiz-bang electronic chargers. Also, if it's a standard lead-acid battery, you need to check the fluid level and add distilled water to keep the level above the lead plates. And a cheap digital voltmeter is a good tool to have to check your battery. Harbor Freight sometimes has one for free. Lots of info online about the various types of motorcycle batteries. If its working fine now i wouldnt… Have the battery 'load-tested' especially if it's the original battery as three years is about the life-span of motorcycle bateries. If the battery is failing after three months, it's not the battery you should be checking - it's not getting a charge. Seems like I've read/heard that motorcycle batteries last about 3 years. So you're about there with a 2012 bike. Might not hurt to take it in & have it tested. I suspect you'll need a new one soon.

If its working fine now i wouldnt…

Have the battery 'load-tested' especially if it's the original battery as three years is about the life-span of motorcycle bateries.

If the battery is failing after three months, it's not the battery you should be checking - it's not getting a charge.

Seems like I've read/heard that motorcycle batteries last about 3 years. So you're about there with a 2012 bike. Might not hurt to take it in & have it tested. I suspect you'll need a new one soon.