Do you parental consent to buy a motorcycle?

I'm 16 and I'm going to go buy a honda grom but my parents can't be with me when I go to pick it up from the honda dealership. When I'm there will they try to see if I'm 18 or make me come back with my parents? I live in California by the way.

At 16 anywhere in the US you are not allowed to sign any contract, so you are SOL

Minors buy personal property all the time. Those claiming a minor can't buy anything are simply wrong. However, a minor without a driver's license can't purchase a motor vehicle in California, so they will make you show your license. At 16 I doubt you have one (though it is possible).

Sure you can buy it if you have cash, then have it delivered to your home, you can't drive it without motorcycle drivers license
You can't finance it, but your parents can.

Here is the biggest hurdle i see Because the law states a adult is 18 and over With you being 16 a minor Your not allowed to sign or enter any binding or legal contract. Period end of story Also in CA cause i live here too You Can't RIDE IT OUT OF THE SHOW ROOM UNLESS YOU HAVE A MOTORCYCLE LICENSE OR PERMIT Otherwise they usually make you take it out of there parking lot/ showroom on a truck So they just may want to see one ( a motorcycle lic or permit ) Even if your paying cash There are still documents to sign And most if not all will not do business With a minor You will most likely have to have your folks there Or worse case take it out on a truck if not But its a long shot