First time taking motorcycle on freeway?

So I went through the MSF at the Honda power center about four months ago which consisted of a 3 day course in which the first day is a 5 hour class session, and the next 2 days consist of riding for about 8 hours. On the last day, you take the driving portion of the test and if you pass, it waves your driving test when you go to the DMV to apply for a permit (and also after passing the written test at the DMV as well). Well, I passed both and I've held my motorcycle permit for about 4 months. I got a used bike after I received my permit. I got a 1984 Honda Nighthawk 650. I have used my bike to get to school and what not and am very comfortable on it. (At first the I dropped it twice because of the weight but now it feels so light lol). I'm a very safe and cautious rider and I'm very comfortable with my bike. After holding a motorcycle permit for 6 months in CA (I'm 19), the DMV informed me that I'd come back to get my license. My permit restrictions are that I can't ride at night or on the freeway. Now, My question is… What should I expect when I'm finally able to ride on the freeway and at night? What was your guys' first experiences?First time taking motorcycle on freeway - 1

It can be a little intimidating trying to merge onto a freeway.
Trying to keep your bike in the on ramp, while looking backwards over your shoulder in your blind spot, takes a little getting used to.
Practice at a time when the freeway has little to no traffic.

Make sure you hit the highway at times when traffic is very low. It will get you used to the way the bike handles at speed. Make sure nobody is around, and practice lane changes and hard braking. Even after 25 years, I still hate crowded highways. I'm always in edge until traffic clears out a little. Don't purposefully put yourself in that situation until you're good and ready. I also don't really like night riding. Bugs on the face-shield, deer moving around, drunks on the road… Sucks!

Well mine was the Same as riding on the street. Driving on the street is the same as highway driving except the traffic can get a little frustrated. Your clutch hand with get stiff and it's very uncomfortable.

It took me a long time to get up to highway speed as I was so used to doing 60kph. There was a real feeling in my head that I was going too fast.

Freeway riding is just higher speed than a highway. The biggest difference on the freeway is that everyone is going the same direction and there are no cross traffic, stop lights, intersections, pedestrians, bicycles, etc. That, IMO, makes things easier. You only have to watch for people braking, merging, coming up from behind and lane changers. Makes up for the higher speed.

Driving at night is different in that you have to look for lights, not cars themselves. It's more difficult. I would suggest that when you add freeway driving to do it during the day until you are comfortable with it, then try adding in night driving.

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