My honda moped 50cc won't idle or start when i don't rev it?

The owner told me the fuel line is blocked or something. Can anyone help me please? I'd like to do it manually because i don't want to bring it to the shop. Might cost alot.

Might cost "alot?" My friend Honda is a proper name and "alot" is not a word but two. "don't" is not a word and the pronoun, I, must be capitalized always. If you will not apply what you have learned in school, how are you expected to be able to "play mechanic?" If you can't afford the simple repairs on a scooter you purchased knowing the mechanical issues it has, why did you buy the scooter? Faulty logic and bad judgment is my best observation. And you can afford the smartphone and the monthly bill? Really? Well, I guess this par for American type teen logic. This is worse part. You prefer to reach to invisible strangers rather than to people in your town? Well, that is all I can possible state. The answer is obvious to all except to you. I guess you can push the scooter where you want to go. Enjoy.

I don't think you know enough about how it all works, for me to be able to help you.

But, if you think the fuel line is blocked. It is VERY SIMPLE to test this yourself.
Just disconnect the fuel line from the carburetor / engine. If fuel runs out, then it is not blocked.
If fuel just drips out, then find out what is blocking it.

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