Trouble upshifting on a motorcycle?

I'm new to riding, but I understand the basics of how to shift (i.e. Close the throttle, pull in the clutch, pull up on the gear shift, release the clutch while throttling the engine). My issue is, is that I'm slowing way down when I try and change gears. Am I just shifting too slowly? I read elsewhere that I may not being getting my RPMs high enough before shifting as well, but I'm trying to shift in the 5k to 6k range.
I have a feeling that my issue could also being coming from the fact I'm taking it literally one step at a time (Close the throttle, THEN pull in the clutch, THEN gear shift, THEN release the clutch, THEN open the throttle again)
Any help would be appreciated.
(I'm riding a 2014 Honda CBR 650F, and yes I'm scheduled for a motorcycle safety course, but it's not for another month)

Its the same prcoess as in a car, you need to gradually open the throttle at the same time as releasing the clutch, if you do them separately, you'll either over-rev or stall.

Yes, you are slow. The shutting of the throttle is a fraction of a second.

You might consider selling the 650 and get a bike that is a lot easier to learn.

Closing the throttle and pulling the clutch should be done at the same time. The same for reapplying the throttle and releasing the clutch. 5 to 6 k is plenty of RPM.

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