Need fun facts about the book Uglie by Scott Westerfeld?

I'm doing a book report and I need some kind of a "did you know" fact. It can be as simple as if the book takes place in California, a fact about California. Or if the main character drives a Honda, a fact about Hondas. I need something, anything!

Not sure if this is what your looking for but the hover boards they use works by using magnets that are polarized to repel metal, making it available to hover. EMP or Electromagnetic Propulsion could be considered a precursor to the Hoverboard depicted in the books.

Ugh. Okay. It's in California. It's in a city, the "Uglies" live outside, waiting to become "pretty" so they can live in the big party city, where they can party all the time. Except Tally decides she doesn't want to be pretty, and that the government ***** with your mind when they make you pretty.

The renegade settlement in the book is called "the Smoke" - this is a very old nickname for London, England.

Did you actually read the book? The whole point of a BOOK report is that you are supposed to read the book yourself and take notes. Your homework is your responsibility, not ours.

What is a Honda? Is a good question.

Spag bol, a version of spaghetti bolognese, is a dish popular in Australia and the UK.