Car accident on a provisional license. I'm 16 and have had my license for 4 months. What is going to happen?

So today at lunch, I got into a car accident with 2 of my friends in the car with me who are under 20. I was making a left out of a shopping center onto a busy street and he came out of nowhere, possibly speeding. The front of my van hit the side of his car. Nothing too serious, a very minor low speed hit. When we pulled over, my friends walked back to school while I talked to the other driver. There was some scuff marks and the fender popped on my car, but nothing serious (it is a very old honda odyssey). There was a long scuff mark and some scratches on the side of his car and maybe a little damage to his wheel and hub cap. Both cars are still running. We exchanged information. He called his insurance right away. No police was called. He stated there were no injuries but I had to give the name of my friends to his insurance agent, but she asked if there were any injuries and I said everyone is perfectly fine. My friends told me they are both okay. The driver seemed nice and told his insurance the damage wasn't anything major. Will I get my license suspended if there was no police there to give me a citation? Will his insurance file a report to the police and/or DMV? Can you make an estimate on how much my premium going to go up? How much do you think the damage to his car would cost? Please help, this has not been my week at all. I understand I was irresponsible for driving my friends when i wasn't supposed to.

If no cops were called and you comply with the insurance companies you should be fine, even if they had been called as long as you had your insurance company fax over a proof of insurance form to the BMV you wouldnt lose your license, your insurance might go up a bit but these are the reasons why your insurance is so high anyway, they anticipate teenagers and new drivers to have accidents so its probably not going to effect it all that much if at all, when i was 16 i hydroplaned and rear ended a truck (didn't damage the truck at all, but destroyed my bumper) and my insurance never increased