What should I do in my position of this accident?

I was involved in a accident on Monday night. What happened: basically a woman made an illegal U-turn leading me to hit her front fender/door-well at 35-40 mph (her vehicle can be repaired new car). She was ticketed, and found at fault. Me? I took a startling ambulance ride to the emergency room. I was a bloody mess leaving blood all around my cars interior/exterior, and on the road.


I had two lacerations: one under my eye requiring multiple stitches as its about 2-3 inches long, and a laceration on my nose requiring stitches as well and a burn on the tip of the nose from air bag deployment.

I'm only 18, and I bought my 2001 Honda for 5k 2 years ago and though I haven't seen my car yet I can pretty much guarantee it will be a total loss. I'm a college student making 10.00$/hour, and it sucks I have to show up to work with bandages on my face because I work at a car wash and can't afford time off (without being replaced). I have these injuries and it sucks I'm not necessarily looking for a payout here but I was told they would give me KBB for my car and that be it, but what about my face? Pain and suffering? Do I have to use my parents lawyer or will they take note of my medical records for the settlement? I'm currently waiting for adjusters to do their investigation (lord knows I don't have time for no transportation its almost finals week). Someone if anyone give me some good advice here I've heard all kinds of stories but don't know where to start

Ask an injury lawyer. Otherwise, do not expect much from anyone. It also depends on the woman's insurance policy.

Basically. Simply allow your insurance company handle the matter and give you advice. They are your absolute best source of help at this point. Basically.

2,000 not 2K
$10.00 not 10.00$

Grammar matters

Most likely car is totaled and they will pay you fair market value, which is what you could have sold it for, if not for this accident.

Since 18, can't rent a car, but, if you have mom/dad rent a car, use mom/dad's car till they settle on your totaled vehicle.

Lost wages, NO, since, the injuries did not cause you to not be able to work, only look lousy in the meantime.

They will copies of the medical reports from the ER and the paramedics. They will owe for your medical bills plus pain/suffering.

You need photos (now) of your face and stitches, and then after they remove the stitches. I would hold off at least 3 months to settle, to see how badly any scarring you have from the stitches to your face. You need to submit those photos to the adjuster before you settle. Scarring on the face where it is visible, and if you are a woman, is worth more.

Lawyer, NO, since this is a easy injury case, so do you want to give up 33% of YOUR settlement to a lawyer?