96 Honda acc. 6cyl.40mph, strange noise, burn oil smell, evytng shut down.How to tell if it's the oil pump?4cylpump $50 6cylpump $500 why?
96 Honda acc. 6cyl.40mph, strange noise, burn oil smell, evytng shut down. How to tell if it's the oil pump?4cylpump $50 6cylpump $500 why?
Is there oil under the oil filler cap? Then it isn't the pump.
If you have a bad oil pump the bearings in the motor are already bad.
Have a mechanic check it out for an oil leak.
All Honda's need the valves adjusted every 60,000 miles or the valves get tight and the motor won't idle properly and you also have a loss of power.
- Why do motorbike brake shoes have springs that snap them shut? . When the brake is released? I've taken them off the rear drum brake of my Honda 250 scooter and the brake is much more powerful as I'm not wasting effort overcoming the inertia of the springs. What a silly invention in the first place!
- Is the 1985 Honda CR 500 water pump gear shaft compatible with the 86-2001 Honda CR 500 water pump gear shaft? I have a 1985 CR 500 and the water pump gear shaft broke. It has been discontinued from Honda, and no one else has it. It is a metal gear. The one's for the 1986-2001 CR 500 are plastic. If I have to use plastic, I will. However, I prefer not to. If anyone knows where I can get the OEM 1985 Honda CR 500 gear shaft, I would forever be grateful.
- My 2014 Honda CRV makes a strange noise after starting? It happens about 30 seconds after starting the car and sounds like a buzzing/vibrating sound coming from the dash. Any idea what this could be? Does not sound to be coming from the engine compartment so I think it is something electronic happening in the dash and it only happens after we start the car. It typically only happens once. Any ideas? Thanks And the noise only lasts 2-3 seconds then goes away and doesn't happen again until I turn the car on again.
- Why does my car engine rev up and down? It revs up and down all the way up to 3x rpm and down? Also when i step on the gas pedal it revs up all the way to the top 8x rpm and stays right there even when i let go of the gas pedal. Please anyone who can tell me why this happens? This is a 1995 honda civic by the way