00 Honda Accord Emergency Brake Cable problem?
So my car is making this squealing noise from my driver side rear tire. My car is a FWD and I notice the noise disappears once i'm going above 10/15+ mph. But, when i'm approaching a red light, stop sign or if i'm taking off, the car makes this horrible squealing noise from the back rear tire as if the emergency brake is on.
I believe the problem is with my emergency brake because when I don't press the gas or the brake while its in drive and just let the car go, the car still moves but it doesn't move as fast as use to and makes that harsh noise from the back tire. Also when i'm driving off from a complete stop, I feel like the car is being pulled back sometimes like there's some type of resistance or something holding the car back. I feel like the emergency brake is not fully released sometimes when i drive off.
I just want your guys opinion to see what you people think it might be.
Check your brake pads
Best bet is to jack that tire up and see how easy it turns. Is it disk or drum brake?
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