$110 behind on my 2013 Honda Accord. Will it be repossessed?
$110 behind on my 2013 Honda Accord. Will it be repossessed? - 1
Slim chance. It would cost the bank more to send out a repo than your missing payment on a 4 year old car. They have bigger priorities
Most banks send notice of intent to reposess after the 3rd missed payment and it's usually closer to 4 before a vehicle is actually repossessed.
They don't want your car, they want you to pay.
Call your bank and explain. They will work with someone who is honest
Probably not if just behind $110, but could be, especiaally if you bought it from a buy here pay here place
Probably not. But talk to them.
It depends who the collector is. If you do not have the funds to bring it up to date, ask a family member for the funds
I doubt it. It may make me look like the bad guy, but why did you get a 2013 if you knew that you couldn't keep up with the payments? Why not a 2000 or something that didn't cost as much, but would still have a lot of life left?
Default provisions apply.
Get hold of the lender and discuss your current problem with them, make arrangements to delay any action on their part
Seems unlikely.
Not today.
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