1994 Honda Accord EX won't start, brakes keep blinking?

My radiator just busted on my car and I had to leave it in a bad city for a couple of days. They stole my battery and we replaced it with a new one. After replacing the battery it started up fine the first couple of times and then it wouldn't start. The brakes keep blinking and when the door is closed it makes a sound that a blinker usually makes. We unhooked the battery and it started up again, but it didn't start back up the next time even when unhooking the battery. It doesn't seem to be an issue with the battery because everything works on it the headlights, radio, windows, blinkers, etc. If someone could give me some advice on what the problem might be I would really appreciate it, I'm being told that it might be a security feature.

Defiantely a security thing, read up in teh manual or see a tech

It is a security feature. Go to a good technician, or the dealer to get it fixed.