1997 honda accord won't start in rainy or wet weather?

My 1997 honda accord will not start in rainy, cold weather. The past few months. Does this have anything to do with a air filter, or engine filter!

I have a 97 accord as well and had the same problem. Change the distributor cap and it will start in the rain.
What happens is when is rains, or lots of moisture in the air, your cap has a crack in it and water is getting in there keeping it from firing. Its a cheap and simple fix.
Buy the new cap for your year and motor, pop the hood, use a phillips screwdriver, take the plug wires off the cap and put them on the new cap in the order they came off. Loosen the two screws holding the old cap on.
Use a paper towel to wipe the inside of the rotor.
Put new cap on and screw into place.
The end

Old Hondas have more problems than spark plugs can fix. You have worn piston rings, bad fuel injectors and a weak battery. The cheapest fix is to coat the air filter with starting spray.Spray it for about ten seconds and then wait five minutes for it to evaporate. I assume it has the original air filter box not a cold air intake.Delay lighting fireworks nearby since they can skip under the car.Blip the ignition switch without starting it will supply extra gas.Pitbull lovers say the way to stop an attack is to stick your finger in the dogs but. What this really does is expose your throat to attack.Spark plug lovers tell you myth so you stick out your neck for attack.

No this has nothing to do with the air filter. The causes of this can be many. It sounds like an electrical issue and it may just need a tuneup. If you have never replaced the plug wires it is way over due on a 17 year old car. Replace the wires and the spark plugs. Also replace the distributor cap, & rotor. Remember on a 1997 Accord you MUST replace the cam belt every 105,000 miles or 10 years whichever comes first.