1998 honda accord 4cl is not running properly. When driving a few miles it shakes then shuts off on me?

It gives a chocking sound. I wold have to wait at least 5- 10 minutes for it to start back up

The symptoms fit a dying Ignition Control Module (igniter) that is quitting when it gets hot. If so, there will be no spark when it quits but the warning lights will still be on. If the warning lights do not come on, the focus shifts to the ignition switch. Your 1998 Accord is probably affected by the recall (first source, fourth from the bottom) to replace ignition switches because they can fail while driving, like you are experiencing. A call to the Service department at your local Honda dealer, giving them the VIN number, should clear up whether yours was affected and whether it was done. Free fixes are the best kind.

Check the starter