2001 Honda Accord or buy newer 2nd hand car?

I recently moved from NYC to the suburbs of Long Island for medical school and it seems a car is absolutely necessary to get anywhere. I have a license but limited driving experience and want a car that will last me at least 5 years without any mechanical issues. I would need to drive at least 10 to 20 miles everyday for school purposes so I want something that's reliable so that I don't have to worry about it.

My dad is offering to give me his 2001 Honda Accord LX sedan since he's getting a new car. It has around 135000 miles on it, has been in no accidents, but I would probably get a paint job for it if I'm going to drive it.

My mom suggests that I trade it in and purchase a newer 2nd hand car from a dealer. My budget is limited to around $10k. If I do this though, I would probably try to look for a Honda Civic.

Is it worth it to trade in the 2001 Accord and get a newer civic model? I just want a car that's reliable enough so that I won't have to constantly worry about breakdowns. Also, where would be the best place to look for used cars with good credentials?

Its better to buy a new car rather than 2nd hand cars.In my opinion 2nd hand cars are not that reliable because I personally had a bad experience with 2nd hand cars.So, better go for newer Honda…

The safest choice would be to get that newer Honda civic. Your dads car is 10+ years old, who knows what could go wrong next. Even if it's well maintained.

As long as you buy that newer civic with a Pre purchase inspection to make sure it's not a pile of sh*t, it should easily last you another 5 years.

Cars.com is a good place to start if you want it from a dealer. If you want to save abit more you could go private party and buy off Craigslist.

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