2014 / 2015 Honda Accord vs Toyota Camry. What to get?

I have never had a brand new car, but want to get one and make it last me for 25 years if possible. I have always owned Honda Civic's and Accords and like them alot, but I have also driven a 2011 Camry and I like it alot, too. What are the pro's and con's of each new car?

The Accord is a sportier drive - is that appealing to you? Other than that clear difference the rest is mostly personal preference, they are both excellent cars that should last a long time (although 25 years is a lot to ask). Personally I would go for the Accord - specifically the Sport model with the 6 speed stick.

Toyotas have been notorious for problems the last several years. Stick to your Hondas(one of the greatest companies ever) Generators, outboards, bikes. They always get it right.


If you are getting the V6 version of these two it will cost you near the price of a brand new BMW 3 series, Audi A4, And Mercedes C class. Check these german cars out before you put your money on the dealer table. BMW offers 4 years free maintenance and warranty.

Shop around and cross shop products. Don't get trapped in the Japanese segment.

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