91 honda accord 5speed manual trans. Do i have to replace the clutch if i put in a new transmission?

91 honda accord 5speed manual trans. Do i have to replace the clutch if i put in a new transmission?

I would do it while you have it apart. No reason not to.

Sure is a good idea, a separate clutch job would cost more collectively than doing it all at once.

No but it's always a damn good idea to do so!
The clutch is likely bad if the gears were grinding.

Yes, you have to. Common sense is giving you no choice.

No, but it would be stupid to not replace it since it is an easy job with the tranny removed.

If your clutch is old, replace it while the trans. Is out.

No, but for the cost of it… Inexpensive and the time to do the work while it is out, I would just because it is a 91 clutch and throwout bearing and pressure plate. You just change it all because it will then last a long time.(this one you want to save is 27 years old. They do wear out.) So, unless it is a new one(having been replaced already… Is the only reason I would keep it… If original clutch… Chuck it)

40+ year mechanic

No but it is extreemly silly not to.
The big cost in doing a clutch is to get the gearbox out for access.

I would do it so that I wouldn't have to pull the transmission again when the clutch goes out next week, month, year. Include the throwout bearing.

No no