Are people jealous of my car or are they just mean?
Ok my car is a red 2005 ford mustang v6 (here's a pic of it I call her Ruby) and I'm very happy with it, it's a beautiful car great condition but both in person and on the roads people are just jerks to me and I don't intend to make them angry or anything but here's what's happened to me when I first got it back in late September I told my classes about it and I just got negative responses like "ford sucks!" #challenger/camaro is better!" "I hate your car it's ugly" I was annoyed I thought to myself "it's ok to not like my car or have your own opinions but is that really nessicary?!" and last December I was leaving my high school during finals and getting out is hell everyone is leaving and pulling out and blocking the road and there was this one guy that got cut off twice first was a honda accord and he was also driving an accord he was like it's ok man no problem when I pulled and tried to get in front of him there was a huge gap between him and this suv I tried to get between then I moved a foot and he bolts in front of me giving me the finger and I was provoked and fliped him off back because I do not tolerate me or anyone else being flipped out I feel like just because I have a nice that I take good care of they have to be mean for no reason and just why are people like this?
Thats what happens when you get a red car. People are much nicer when you have a silver car.
Forget those ratchet peeps! They most likely are jealous of your car because its on point! Will always hate! I bet they wish their car was on point when its really not all that! You have an very gorgeous car by the way!
I don't think it is your car or you even here in the UK we see the very same thing every day.
I own a C-RV (Honda) and because it is looked on as a 4X4 it is shunned, that aside if I drive through town and need to enter another lane the cars speed up to block entry, if I'm exiting a side road to another then when there's a gap the oncoming speed up to block. Now I and my partner are courteous driers and let others in when needed and this in turn helps traffic to flow better, like if the lanes filter down I was taught that you let a vehicle in (in turn) one then another after a vehicle has passed but you get the speed king(or queen) just edge over as much as they can to force the other vehicle to give way even if it had let one in before.
Here we call it (yes it has a name) ROAD RAGE. And sadly there are deaths where this has escalated to drivers and passengers getting out and beating the other, of reckless driving causing accidents and death
A SAD sign of the times.
People are *****.
- Indian people: what does sting on a car steering wheel mean? I work for honda and I see some indian people come in with red and yellow sting on the steering wheel.
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- Do people realize how much pain they inflict when they scratch the hell out of a car in a parking lot? I worked my *** off to pay for my car. Today, coming out of work. I noticed someone dinged and made a huge scratch to the metal almost on my Honda Civic Si. What's worse is my car is black, so it's very noticeable. That person doesn't know how hard I worked to buy my car. I love it to death. And they had the audacity to not even leave a note! I hate Houston and the animals that live here.