Around how much would a full car paint job cost?

I have a 2008 honda accord coupe and I was wondering how much a full paint job with the original color would be?

Depending where you are at and what kind of job you want some top notch shops in big cities start at $1,500 plus body work and up, that was about fifteen years ago.
I have not much luck in this all town getting that much, I have a car damaged nearly all over and had the jaws of life done on it for $1,300.
You could probably find a pretty nice job for about $800 plus body work like dents and if you need paint stripped would be extra.
The way the economy is it is mind boggling estimating auto body.
Best way to find out is go to some shops and ask.

$600 but you might find a 50% off sale

Earle Schive - $299