At the age of 17 in Georgia, am I able to have my fully paid off car title in my name?

My dad bought me a fully paid off Honda Accord sedan and has the title and everything. I've already obtained my license and my mom has no problem putting the car under her insurance and getting the car tag for it, but she doesn't want the title in her name. I turn 18 next month but i refuse to wait that long. I was wondering was it possible to have a car title signed and owned by me at the age of 17.

The insurance company MAY require that one of your parent's name is on the title since the insurance is carried in their name.

LOL! You refuse to wait that long. You can title a car in your name. But, since it's yours, you have to insure it.

You REFUSE to wait a month? Bullshiite, you're not being realistic and you do not have a viable choice. If I were your parents I'd tell you to get the hell out, rent your own place and go buy your own damned car and insurance you ungrateful git. EPIC FAIL.

Yes. Anyone of any age can "own" a vehicle. You don't have to wait until you are 18 to own a vehicle.

Just for your information: Because you are not 18, a parent will have to sign for you to obtain and enter into an insurance contract. Insurance will be expensive because you will be the principal driver and because you are a single male, age 17


Yes. Anyone of any age can "own" a vehicle. You don't have to wait until you are 18 to own a vehicle.

In Michigan any age person can own a car. That means their .ame is on the title. Yes, your 3-year old child can own a car.

You already gave Best Answer to someone who answered incorrectly. The right answer is that you can, If you are an emancipated person. That would make you an adult in the eyes of the law. If you are not an emancipated person, then in the eyes of the law, at 17 you are still a child.

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