Best way to reduce road noise in car?

I drive an 06' honda accord. That car has been in the family since my first day of kindergarten & will be mine when i graduate next june. AND, it only 86,000 miles so it's got A LOT of life left in it for me. I just can't bare with the loud road noise, as it would give me headaches. I looked into sound proofing but i don't feel comfortable tearing apart the carpet just to put padding on it. Is there anything else i could do?

Have you checked to see if the noise cancellation is operating? Or maybe it needs to be disconnected. A Honda Accord forum may know more

Best way to reduce road noise is to figure out WHY there's road noise -- tires, loose parts, exhaust leaks, wind noise…

Easy: inspect the weatherstripping and rubber gaskets around all the doors (including the bottom) and windows. If you're missing a piece, the wind noise will be horrendous.

You might also consider looking for tires that are rated highly for quiet operation.

Honda Accords are one of the most quiet vehicles. If you can't handle the noise in an Accord, sell the car and get a Mercedes.

No, soundproofing is it unless you'd care to wear earplugs or not drive it at all.

So, do you actually expect to graduate when you don't even know the difference between bare and bear? Fail

Drive on smooth roads

Hondas are normally quiet. Find out why yours is too noisy. For noise attenuation, start with thicker mats inside the car. You can also get under-hood sound deadening material but you need to be careful where you put it in case it touches something hot and catches fire.

Maybe some bearing is shot. You can also put sound deadning/insulation foam underneath the carpets too

Just add a pair of deez nuts to it

Probably time for some new shocks. They don't last the life of the car and need to be replaced. That and new tires can reduce much of the road noise. For the wind, some new rubber seals