Can I cancel this warranty?

A couple years ago, my parents signed for an 06 Accord at a Honda dealership. I don't quite remember how everything went, but I believe I was the co-signer. But, we got a loan through a credit union, so technically they own the car. This Honda dealership wanted to tack on a powertrain warranty that knocked my payments from the $120-$140/month range up to $200/month. Two years later, I'm sick of paying for a warranty that does me no good. The warranty has so many loopholes and covers pretty much nothing. It's a joke. So I'm wondering if I can cancel it. If I'm able to, it would make my payments a little lower, right?

Hmm. I never wanted the warranty to begin with. But I was a minor at the time and my parents wouldn't get the car without the warranty.

Maybe, call and ask. The warranty company, not the dealer. But it will NOT lower your payments, just shorten the term as any refund would go toward the last payments.

do it anyway.