Car sensors bugging out?

My car spent the last week on a car transport. That transport had two tires blow out on the side of a highway during transit.

When I got the car it looked fine on the outside. But now everytime I break down hill sensors go off. At one point my battery turned off. I turned off the engine and restarted it and it ran normal.

Can these sensor issues be due to the shock of the truck transporter tires blowing out?

I have a 2009 honda accord. Never had lights or sensor issues.

Maybe from the way it was tied down on the truck or during loading or unloading? Something has happened to 1 of the sensors? Jack it up and have a look? Plug the code reader in and see which sensor is causing the fault.

Batteries don't turn off.

Maybe some relays shook loose. Open the hood and press firm all the electrical plugs and relays.