Cost Of Changing timing belt in 2009 Honda Accord,4Cylinder?

Cost Of Changing timing belt in 2009 Honda Accord,4Cylinder? - 1

$600 to $800, depending on whom you have perform the service. Also, if you are wise you will have the water pump changed as well whilst they have it torn down.

The 2009 Accord 4-cylinder does not have a timing belt; it has a timing chain. Honda quit using timing belts on the 4 cylinders in the Accord in the 2003 model year.

How to know for sure? Look at the cover on the engine behind the serpentine belt. If it is plastic it keeps dirt and oil off a timing belt. If it is metal it keeps oil on a timing chain.

EDIT - unlike the older Honda 4 cylinders with timing belts, the water pump is largely unrelated to the labor for replacing the chain. If the water pump fails the serpentine belt has to come off - that's all.

You should also replace the water pump if you're over 100,000 miles. Figure around $550 parts and labor.

Hi so as most need water pump and tensioner as well 1200 dollars.

The cost is nothing because your 4 cylinder Accord does not have a timing belt. It uses a timing chain that should last the life of the engine. Only the V6 has a timing belt. You just saved around $600.