Does my car have serious transmission problems?

I bought an early 2000's Honda accord with a 6 speed manual transmission as my first car, and so far it feels as if the car is cursed. In the two years that I have owned it.

After having it for two years, it still doesn't drive smoothly (no matter how hard you try). I really do not see how it can be my fault as the driver when I have been driving this stupid thing for two years. My dad (who has driven manual cars all of his life) can't get it to drive correctly either.

First gear is not a problem in this car, but shifting into second will usually cause you to be slammed foreword in your seat unless to let off the clutch as am absurdly slow rate. The other gears are better, but not as smooth as they should be.

Should I get rid of this thing?

No don't get rid of it, learn how to drive it. Does it occur to you if you get slammed forward in second that the RPM are not matching the road speed you are going? What happens when you are going in first gear at 3000RPM and you just let off the gas? Slammed forward I'd bet. Learn it and then teach dad.