Donated leased car to charity?

So I had a Honda Accord that I leased about 2/12 years ago. I heard this very catchy commercial on the radio about donating cars to charity to get tax deductions, and it really piqued my interest. I decided to go for it, totally forgetting that the car was leased (I had never leased a car before). The charity came to my home last month, I signed some papers and they drove the car away. I had calculated my tax deduction and didn't give it a second thought until I received a letter from the dealer saying my lease was going to expire. I freaked out, but I do not know what to do. Should I try to get the car back (and lose my tax deduction) or should I try reporting the car as stolen and get the insurance money. With the insurance, I should be able to pay off Honda and still have some money left over. Will I get in trouble for this? Please give me some advice.

I question that anyone could be so clueless as well, but on the off chance that this really happened.
1) If you report the car as stolen you will make a bad situation worse and be committing a few crimes in the process. And besides what the government throws at you you'd likely be sued by the insurance company, the charity and whoever owns the car now.
2) The car is gone. If you really did this mind bogglingly stupid thing you'll need to tell the finance company what you did. You'll likely have to pay for the value of the car.

You have to be kidding me.

The car is long gone. And you owe the lender the predetermined value of the car. Which is likely many thousands.

Selling the car or giving it away was illegal and could be considered fraud and you could be arrested over it. You had no right to sell the lenders car.

I know 99.8% of those who lease are stupid, but I've never heard of anyone as stupid as to give away a leased car.

You can't report it stolen, you sold it. Unless you want another charge added to your fraud charge.

Baloney. Once the charity found there was a lien on the car, they would've called you.

You "forgot" you had a lease? You should run for Congress!

Why do I detect the disgusting stench of a TROLL here? The charities who accept cars for donations aren't so STUPID to accept a car that YOU don't own.

Go away troll.

You expect people to believe this? It takes a special kind of stupid to give away a leased car, which you don't rightfully own, and to "forget" that it was leased.

In the unlikely event this actually happened, be prepared to face the consequences.

Are you trying to tell us you gave away a 2 1/2 year old car because of a catchy commercial. And they never noticed the title document mentioned a leasing company as the owner.

If this really happened and the charity took the car and failed to notice this then they can be sued for getting the car back. And if you never noticed your continuing lease payment even though you gave away the car, then I'm thinking of a phrase that has "bag of hammers" in it. As it is you are liable for 100% of the remaining value of the car. And because the car will show up as being registered by someone else, any attempt at insurance fraud will be discovered within 1 day by the insurance company. Insurance companies always get people sent to jail for a fraud like this.

Oh boy, look what you have done