Have a misfire in cylinder 1 on 99 Honda Accord lx. I change the timing belt. One I change the belt I turn the car on and it turn on normal?

A couple minutes later I noticed the misfire can't tell from looking engine. I noticed it for the exhaust. No smoke was coming out. Took it apart to look at the timing and everything lines up. I saw the spark plugs and wires on cylinders 1 and 2 still no difference. Any ideas.


Maybe check the distributor and your boots and wires. Could be valve cover gasket pushing oil into the spark plug wells.

Get a different car

Changing a timing belt will not sort out a one cylinder misfire. It is obviously due to something else.

N O, you DID NOT notice the misfire from the exhaust, as there are NO symptoms of a misfire that ANYONE can accurately diagnose in that manner.
That said, the timing belt has absolutely NOTHING to do with a misfire. If you THINK the timing belt could be an issue, YOU need to have someone else service the car.

Note: If this question sounds rational to you, it is EXTREMELY unlikely you would even recognize the timing if someone showed it to you

Adjust the valves. Every Honda motor has a common problem with tight valves and they need adjusting every 60,000 miles. Have a mechanic check the timing belt marks. If you put it on wrong it will look right when you check it because you're doing the same thing wrong.

My misfires on my Honda Civic were caused by a bad engine coolant temperature sensor. It took 4 months for the check engine light to come on so i kept throwing money at unneeded parts. Put in a starter, spark plugs, fuel pump relay and it was just a ect sensor


Do a compression check. All the timing belts in the world will not repair a miss, nor will new ignition components or injectors if the cylinder has low compression.