SO. I drive a 2007 Honda Accord v6, and I've had it for about a year now. Up until recently, I've never had any major problems with the car. About two weeks ago, I had to replace the drive axel because it snapped. I know that the axel connects into the transmission, and was wondering if that had anything to do with the issue I'm about to explain.
It could've also been caused by the fact that I work on an Island, and it flooded yesterday during all the down pour we had. I left work, and had to drive through a huge puddle. It honestly couldn't have been avoided. I didn't fly through the puddle, and i never let my car come to a complete stop while driving through it. I made it a few blocks down, and I noticed that my car wasn't accelerating, but the rpms were still sky rocketing. I turned the car off, and turned it back on, and it still was able to drive. So of course, me being a car-illiterate girl, I figured that was the fix of it. No. It did it again. I was told to let my engine dry because it must've gotten really wet. Ok, fine. I sat for a few minutes with the car off, AND i even sat with it on figuring that if the car was warmed up everything would dry. I kept getting the same result. Making it a few blocks, not even, and then it wouldn't accel anymore.
I left the car over night, and this morning I stopped by it again. It started right up, and it still went into drive and I was able to make it 3 more blocks before my car I guess stalled out again.
It is very likely that water is inside an electrical connection. Water would need to be found, dried out and connection sealed so it doesn't happen again.
Start with reading the codes.
Floods can easily destroy a car
Until you get a clue from the codes it can be anything.
Drive axles only snap for one of two reasons. Driver abuse or bad maintenance.
Proper maintenance will find failing parts before they break.
Sounds like the automatic transmission is bad.
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