Honda accord v6 vs 4 cylinder?

I have a 1996 honda accord v6 and i love the feeling of driving it because it drives like a powerful car. I have had numerous newer cars on the highway try to race me or speed back up to me after i initially pass them. Usually they are cars like mustangs, chargers, and etc. But i still hold my own and it is a great feeling lol

But i want to know the difference between the late and mid 90's 4 cylinder and v6 honda accords… What are the pros and cons of each and what is really the difference(add as much detail and be specific as you can please)?

which one has has more longevity v6 or 4 cylinder?

Which car accelerates faster?

what normal maintenance can you do that is not to expensive that can add more torque or acceleration/speed to your car?

and are new versions of my car or any car in general have about the same speed and accelerate about the same but just better exterior and interior design, or the newer versions of cars are just clear cut faster?

Last but not least does anybody know what is the difference between d4, d3, d2, and d1?

Does d3 save you more gas if you are traveling in the city for example dc? But d4 is better on gas when you drive on the highway? And if this is true is the gas saved really a big difference?

Don't think of racing you only be in jail or dead it not worth it

I own a 97 v6, and let me say the replacement parts for the v6 are 3 - 4 times the cost of the 4 cylinders (wish I had known this before buying the v6)
My buddy has a 96 4 cylinder and the cars run about the same. Not a big difference in hp or anything

It is not a performance car in any way. Don't waste your money on trying to speed it up. V6 accords are notorious for having transmission issues, ignition switch issues, and over time you will have to change a starter, alternator, and motor mount or two. They are good cars compared to the competition at the time, but over the years they have faded as time tends to do to vehicles. The difference between D1-D4 is that each selection limits you to that particular gear. Driving in D3 will mean you can only go as high as 3rd gear. Also, normal maintenance does not add power to your vehicle; it just keeps it running properly.

Why don't you stop being a lazy a$$ and google the stuff yourself and read up on it. Instead getting on here and posting the same question 500 times.