How can I tell if I have abs brakes or not on my 94 Honda accord?

I have a 94 Honda accord and I need to know if there's a way to tell if I have abs or not

Turn the key to the ON position and look for the yellow "ABS" light. They don't burn out so if you don't see it you have no ABS brakes.
If yo don't ant to believe me go to the dealer parts department with your VIN and ask them if you have ABS brakes on your car.

Drive quickly on wet or icy roads, then brake violently. If you've got ABS, you'll feel the brake pedal vibrate as it kicks in; if you haven't - it's the perfect time to learn cadence braking before you flip onto the roof and catch fire.


Owner's manual is a good place.

So is the internet.

Chris' test will work. Less dramatically: Turn your ignition switch to the "on" position (without starting the car) and look at the dash warning lights. If you've got ABS, you'll see the warning / self-test light come on.

Look for one of these by your brake fluid reservoir

Find somewhere where it's safe to do so (like an empty car park) when it's wet and drive across it and hit the brakes hard enough to lock up. If you have ABS you'll feel the brake pedal judder as the ABS operates.

1994 EX and SE model came standard with ABS. The DX and LX was an option for that year. You need to look for a ABS module under the hood, Yellow ABS light on the cluster, auto manual or the VIN #.

I don't no