How do I Unseize my 1992 Honda Accord engine?

How do I Unseize my 1992 Honda Accord engine? - 1

Hi so it will need expert attention and new pistons and new bearings and many other parts. Hardly worth the expense on such an old car. As it will constantly need new parts and become a money pit.

The first thing to do is pull the spark plugs and put some penetrating oil in each cyl. And let it set for a couple of days, then try to break it lose by putting a socket on the crank shaft and trying to turn it. Do you know why it was froze up? Did it spin a main bearing? If so, the engine will have to be pulled out of the car and rebuilt and theirs no need in doing the above mentioned procedure with oil in the cyl's.

The engine has to be totally stripped down. Rebuilt with all damaged parts replaced.
If the parts are available even.
This is a very very expensive issue.

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