How many kilometres are reasonable on a brand new car?
I'm buying a brand new Honda Accord Coupe 2014 and wanted to know how many kilometres are reasonable on a new car bought through a dealership. I don't want to get a car that was used as a test drive vehicle. Thanks in Advance!
Added (1). I just found out the vehicle has 50 KM currently on it.
If it is brand new it should have done less than 20 miles, anything more and it has been driven on the road.
The only brand new vehicle I've purchased had 7 km on the odometer when I took possession of it.
But keep in mind that all vehicles will accumulate some mileage as a result of rolling off the assembly line, being transported on and off ships, trains, trucks, etc. And also being driven around on the dealer lot. Some vehicles are also transferred between dealers so they will rack up some mileage through that process as well.
I would say 50 is still reasonable. A demo vehicle tends to have a few hundred or possibly even a thousand or two K's
If you choose a car that was on the showroom floor (indoors), or ordered one from the factory, it should only have a few kilometers on it (10-20 at the most). The ones that set outside on the lot are used for test drives. Judging by the mileage you listed, the car you are looking at has probably been test-driven once or twice. I personally don't think that's a big deal, but that's just me.
They can have as much as 2000 km. If you want next to nothing on the odo, order a car. Best I ever did on a new one was 14km
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