How many quarts transmission fluid for 02 Honda Accord automatic transmission swap?

How many quarts transmission fluid for 02 Honda Accord automatic transmission swap?

Added (1). I'm replacing my current transmssion with a used one I recently bought. I assume the transmission I bought has been completely flushed. How many quarts of fluid will I need to buy to fill it?

Also, is Valvoline Synthetic fluid okay to use?

In addition to James M's answer I highly recommend you have the transmission professionally inspected to see if it has had the oil jet upgrade Honda produced to control the frequent failures of the 1998-2004 automatic transmissions, and if it is burned up yet or not. 2003 was the peak year for insane transmission failures in the Accord but 2002 was not much better. You would be money ahead to have it professionally checked before putting it in the car.

Why on Earth would you foolishly and naively "assume" it's been "flushed"? IT'S USED.

Furthermore, #1, Honda transmissions Can't be "flushed", only drained. #2, NO, use only genuine Honda fluid in any Honda transmission. #3, How can you be so thick as to not be able to just look this up on any of innumerable sites with this basic info, or just READ THE OWNER'S MANUAL?