How much does a used Honda Accord cost in maintenance + repairs?

I'm buying an out-of-warranty 2009 Honda Accord as a first car. I'll be driving approximately 10k-15k miles annually. How much should I expect to pay in maintenance + repairs?

I went on Edmund's Cost to Own calculator and it estimated that I should expect to pay an average of $1,400 annually just for maintenance + repairs! And this is with an extended warranty, which I won't have… That's way too much! I can't afford that. I was expecting less than $800/yr.

How accurate is Edmunds? Are there any reliable cars out there that cost less than $800/yr in maintenance + repairs?

The problem with those cost analyzers is that they give you the AVERAGE cost spanning the life of the car. The real costs will vary from one year to the next. Some years it will be chump change while other years it will take your breath away.

The first couple of years you are looking at 2 or 3 oil changes for $30 a pop. No big deal there at all.

At about the 4 or 5 year point you are looking at radiator and transmission flushes for a total of $300 to $500 or so.

At around 40,000 to 50,000 miles add $750 for a set of tires.

Somewhere between 50,000 and 80,000 you'll need a compete brake job. That can run $250 to $1,000 or more depending upon what needs to be done. The first time you might be able to get away with just turning the rotors but the second time you will probably have to replace them and may have to replace one or more calipers.

At 90,000 miles figure $400 - $500 for a timing belt and water pump.

At 100,000 miles figure $50 for a set of spark plugs.

At 5 to 8 years you'll need to replace hoses and probably a serpentine belt for another $200 or so.

Some of those costs will dump together all in one year and can add up to $3,000 or more very easily. Other years you'll be shelling out $100 for oil changes and nothing more.