How much for a CAI and new exhaust?
So i have an 95 Honda Accord. It sounds like a riceburner. I would like for it to sound louder, more like a "tuner". I have heard those cars around and they sound pretty sweet. So i'm going to get a cold air intake and new muffler/ exhaust system installed. A little more horsepower would be nice. How much would it cost for that and what shops will do it? Tips on brands, and what i should get would help alot, thanks.
The noise you hear from a cold air intake is caused by turbulence. Turbulence causes bad MAF sensor readings and REDUCES power. CAI's on a MAF sensor engine are a total waste of money. Sound good but get you nothing in return or worse performance AND a check engine light.
Read this article on cai and why they don't work
Same thing goes for a new muffler. You can't just open up the exhaust and expect better breathing. You have to change the throttle body, valve timing, and exhaust. They all work as a system. Once again, good sound, worse performance because you're reducing backpressure. Valve overlap requires a certain amount of backpressure and higher RPMS.
Dunno about garages, but i like magnaflow. But for my civic i just bought everything catback on ebay only $250
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